Ku på sætervangen, Skålbergsætra. Knut Ola Storbråten
For hundreds of years, Norwegian farmers have moved their livestock in the summer, away from the fields around their farmsteads and to new, lush pasture in the mountains or in the woods. The place where the farmhands (often women, known as "budeie", but sometimes men, known as "sveiser") lived while they looked after their animals in the summer months was called a sæter or seter, and Skålbergsætra is just such a place.
Skålbergsætra is Odalstunet's "museum seter" in Nord-Odal. The buildings have been restored, and both they and the landscape where you find them appear as they used to when the seter was run, as late as 1960. It is also a beautiful hiking destination for the entire family. We keep livestock on the pasture, and there is a number of amazing hiking tracks in the area.
Bring your lunch, and find peace in the woods, on the seter.