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Sagstua School Museum

In the childhood kingdom of Sigurd Hoel.

Sagstua school is an important part of Odalstunet. It was built where it stands today in 1856, and became a museum in 1988. It includes a collection of items from schools in the municipalities of Nord-Odal and Sør-Odal, and one room furnished the way class rooms used to look. The contrast between the old school and the new school buildings right next door is very educational.

The author Sigurd Hoel (1890-1960) grew up in the school building. His father was the teacher, as well as working for the post office. Hoel used his childhood memories from Sagstua School as inspiration for his novel Road to the World's End (1933), one of the best childhood descriptions in Norwegian literature. The museum part of the old school building includes a film room and an exhibition about the life and work of Sigurd Hoel.

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    Sagstua skolemuseum, Sigurd Hoels hjem
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    Maren Sofie Løfsgård som lærerinde ved Sagstuen skole beskuer portrettet av Mor Amble. Knut Ola B. Storbråten
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    Sigurd Hoel ved peisen.
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    Sagstua skolemuseum og Sigurd Hoels hjem. Odalstunet
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    Kjøkkenet på Sagstua skolemuseum, slik det så ut da Sigurd var liten. Odalstunet
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    Sigurd Hoels skrivemaskin står trygt og fint i sitt eget monter. Odalstunet
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    Det idylliske inngangspartiet til Sagstua skolemuseum og Sigurd Hoels barndomshjem. Odalstunet
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    Sigurd Hoels "selvbiografi".
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    Sagstua skole ligger omgitt av vakre frukttrær.
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    Sagstua skolemuseum og Sigurd Hoels hjem Odalstunet
Museum24:Portal - 2025.03.06
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2