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Odalstunet - The home farm of all of Odalen

Odalstunet is a collection of buildings from the two municipalities of Nord-Odal and Sør-Odal.

Odalstunet has been collecting and restored buildings from the entire Odalen are since its establishment right after World War Two. The buildings make up one big, wealthy farm with living quarters, servants' quarters, barns, stables, store houses and other important buildings. 

A safe distance away, you'll find the smoking house and the blacksmith's workshop, two buildings that were potential fire hazards. Take a walk through the woods and find the small farm of the poor tenant farmer. Walk even further, and you will find the hut used by woodsmen working in the deep forests.

Though the museum area itself is open all year around (and you are very welcome to visit it!), the buildings are only open during events, or for pre-booked groups. Contact us if you want to book a tour, or if you want to know when our next event is!

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    Maren Sofie Løfsgård koker mat på vedkomfyren i Gjersøyen Bjørn Sverre Hol Haugen
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    Vedhogst, Jul i stuene. Gunnar Johnsen
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    Gunnar Johnsen
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    Gjersøyen, Jul i stuene. Gunnar Johnsen
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    Utsikt mot Vestaberg, fra Skjeppastad
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    Mette Skogbakken underholder under Liv i stuene på Odalstunet. Odalstunet
Museum24:Portal - 2024.10.08
Grunnstilsett-versjon: 2